How AI Generated Video is Revolutionizing Customer Experience

How AI Generated Video is Revolutionizing Customer Experience

by Krishanu Borah | 11 Apr 2024 |

A day in the life of a B2B marketing team looks something like this 👇

Sales teams are waiting for personalized product demos to win over leads. Marketing teams are looking forward to personalized videos for ad campaigns, and customer success teams are seeking explainer videos to make onboarding a breeze. 

The end goal is to personalize the customer experience. 

But they often rely on one video editor to do it all, resulting in chaos everywhere. 

This is where AI-generated video editors come into play.

AI-generated videos offer customers creative visual stories tailored to their unique needs. You can have everything from product demos and tutorials to personalized recommendations with voiceovers and animation.  

This article tells you how to make the most of AI-generated videos to enhance customer experience. 

Why should you Explore AI-generated Videos

Video marketing is the future because, guess what, most Gen-Z users approach it this way: Why read when I can watch? 

According to Databox, a video ad gets 2x clicks compared to images. Videos capture the audience’s attention longer than images. 

AI video generators have redefined video creation. A few days ago, marketers, sales professionals, and product marketers had to rely on video creation agencies for bulk video generation. But with AI video editors, anyone can generate high-quality videos at scale without any external assistance. 

Here’s why you must explore AI video generators:  

  • Personalization

At the core of AI-generated videos are algorithms that analyze massive data volumes, including audience demographics, interests, buying patterns, browsing history, and social media activities. AI systems use user data to create videos that speak directly to the target audiences, resulting in increased engagement, click-through rates, conversions, and retention.

Imagine an eCommerce platform using AI-generated videos to personalize product recommendations. Customers browsing for laptops would receive videos showcasing different models based on their browsing history. This personalized approach directly speaks to the viewer, boosting engagement and the likelihood of purchase. According to ecommerce trends, the scope of  AI is video and beyond, as it helps customers by showing videos and providing an overall automated personalized shopping experience.

  • Cost-effectiveness

Creating AI-generated videos for customers requires minimum human intervention and fewer resources than traditional video production methods. This method significantly saves time and reduces production costs. 

For instance, you are a marketing agency, and your campaign requires personalized service-based videos for different customer groups. Instead of spending your dollars and time filming and editing videos, you can quickly generate bulk videos with AI that focus on your specific services based on customer data and interests.

  • Multiple applications

AI-generated videos can be used across different industries. For example, e-commerce businesses like Amazon can use personalized AI videos to highlight products based on customer interests and purchase history. 

Similarly, educational platforms like Coursera use AI-generated videos to provide personalized lectures and tutorials, catering to individual learning styles. On the other hand, finance companies like Wealthfront use AI to create customized summaries of user’s financial accounts, offering investment recommendations. 

5 Ways to Use AI-generated Videos in Improving Customer Experience

AI-generated videos enhance your omnichannel marketing strategy, ensuring it chimes with your target group. 

Here are a few ways to use AI-generated videos in different forms to improve the customer-facing side of things.

  • Product tutorials with voiceovers 

One of the best uses of AI-generated videos is to create product tutorials with voiceovers that show the product or a specific feature in action. 

Create engaging product videos with high-quality graphics and music assets that are easily customizable and have plenty of collaboration options to educate your end users about your product and its specific use cases.  

One great onboarding example is how Asana leverages AI-generated videos for customer onboarding. The project management platform uses comprehensive tutorials to break down its features, taking the users through a step-by-step process for using Asana. The video features an AI presenter, making it more interactive and engaging.

  • Marketing videos

AI-generated marketing videos enriched with graphics and music assets skyrocket your customer engagement. You can use these videos across your email marketing campaigns, landing pages, social media, and other digital to increase user engagement, click-through rates, and conversions. 

Tools like help brands stand out with creative marketing videos regardless of your video-making or editing skills. The platform offers easy-to-customize 1000+ templates that can hook your viewers quickly with story-driven marketing videos. 

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  • Repurpose your content to reach multiple channels 

Why let your content go stale on the website when you can repurpose it easily? 

Convert your blogs and other long-form text content into live videos to generate bite-sized videos in minutes. Then, to gain maximum visibility, distribute them across multiple channels, be it Instagram as reels, YouTube as shorts, or TikTok. 

Additionally, consider using targeted ads on PPC platforms, ad networks, and connected TVs to further extend your reach and ensure your content gets the attention it deserves.

  • Product demos

In sales calls, you have two different options: either explain a lot about your product or show what your product is capable of with a product demo video. An AI product video maker highlights the most relevant features and use cases for individual clients based on their job titles, industry, and unique business needs. 

  • Quick animation videos to engage your audiences

Animation videos are ideal for explaining a complicated topic to your end users in seconds. An AI text to animation tool helps you create animated videos from scripts even though you don’t have professional animation skills. 

These tools come with 100+ animated characters and a robust AI engine that understands the intent of a context and generates engaging animated videos. 

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💡Pro Tip: You can easily create a learning center for your existing and potential customers on the website. Use these places to store all animated product videos to help your audiences learn everything about the products and their features. 

To make the learning center accessible to a wide range of users, generate a QR Code for this page using a QR Code generator and paste the QR Code across all your sales and marketing collaterals like campaign creatives, digital cards, event posters, and social platforms. 

Challenges of AI-generated Videos

While AI-generated videos save time and reduce cost, a few challenges come with AI videos. However, once you understand these limitations, you can improvise.

  • No human touch

The content might seem robotic for people on the receiving end of AI videos. According to a few Reddit users, it’s ‘disappointing and disheartening’ to watch videos with ‘robotic soul-less content.’ While the videos might be informative, the audience fails to connect to the video due to the lack of human elements. As a result, the likelihood of viewers churning increases.

Manual editing is crucial to overcome this limitation of AI-generated videos. Your expert editing team can add a human touch to AI-generated videos using voiceovers, transitions, etc., to improve the video quality and appeal.

  • Technical issues

When creating AI videos, optimize them for different platforms before publishing, as technical issues in the videos might significantly impact viewer experience and engagement. For example, if your AI-generated video has synchronization issues where the audio doesn’t match the video, it might frustrate viewers, leading them to abandon the video halfway. Implement proper support solutions for your AI videos to prevent technical issues.

  • Low quality

Posting only AI-generated videos over time may lead to repetitive and low-quality video content that lacks creativity. For example, if your potential customer receives an AI product video with poor audio and pixelated visuals, they will most likely disengage, reducing the chances of conversion. So, supporting your AI-generated videos with high-quality footage is critical to ensure perfect visuals and audio.

The next steps

AI generated videos in customer service are transforming and will continue to transform how businesses interact with their customers. So, if you can overcome the challenges of AI generated videos, the future looks bright for you.

Start elevating your customer service using the show, don’t tell technique with’s AI video generator platform. Sign up to see how the platform works!

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